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About Doctor

Dr Gennady Fundaminsky was born in Russia. Dr. Fundaminsky’s mother and
father were both very successful and admired dentists in Moscow, and they brought him up to believe that there was no better career than giving people the finest dental care possible. His parents taught him that being a dentist could be an unsatisfying profession unless you believed that you were truly helping mankind, and that it should never be a career you just "fall into".

Each night they would tell him stories of how they had transformed people’s lives with their skill at dentistry, and by the time he was eleven years old he knew that he had found his chosen profession. This profound belief in helping people was passed down through the family, and today Dr. Fundaminsky has a nephew and two nieces who also work very successfully in dentistry.

Dr. Fundaminsky was one of the youngest men ever to receive his license for dentistry in Russia, and within three years he became one of the most popular and respected dentists in Moscow. Among his clients were many of the most powerful and influential citizens in Russia - both socially and professionally. However, he knew the United States had even more advanced techniques available, and since he had always felt a deep admiration for America, he decided to emigrate in 1974.

He loved America unreservedly from the start, and because of his amazing expertise, he was soon licensed to practice in the United States. The renowned teacher and dentistry expert, Dr. Robert Garfield, quickly realized that this was no ordinary dentist and made Gennady his protege. Under Doctor Garfield’s supervision, Dr. Fundaminsky became highly proficient at every new technique available. Even after Dr. Fundaminsky opened his own office, he continued for many years to study under Dr. Garfield, as his mentor felt confident that Dr. Fundaminsky would reach extraordinary heights in the world of dentistry - a prediction that certainly came true.

Dr. Fundaminsky opened his own office in 1976, and the enthusiastic response of his patients soon made him such a tremendous success that he decided to move to Beverly Hills.  After only three years in Beverly Hills, the acclaim for his skill was so great that he was named by Los Angeles Magazine as one of the dentists who are so exceptional that other dentists go to them - and what higher praise could there be than that?  Dr. Fundaminsky has now practiced in Beverly Hills for over thirty years, and has built up an exceptionally loyal clientele, including many celebrities.

Gennady and his charming wife, Nina, have been very happily married for thirty years, and have two very handsome sons - Michael and Daniel. The Fundaminskys live in Beverly Hills, which his clients love because if they have a severe dental emergency after hours, he can meet them at his office in a very short time.

The doctor’s favorite pastime is to play his grand piano, on which he is an exceptional virtuoso. This not only allows him to express his deep love of music, but it also helps to keep his hands precise, supple, and strong. His favorite music to play are Bach and American jazz, of which he is an ardent devotee. He is also a prodigious reader of classic literature, his favorite authors being Anton Chekhov and Guy de Mauppasant. One of the aspects of America that Gennady enjoys the most is the chance to see classic American films, and his favorite star is Marilyn Monroe, while his favorite film is Some Like It Hot.

Because he is fluent in English, Russian, and Yiddish, Dr. Fundaminsky enjoys a very diverse clientele, and visitors to the U.S. and immigrants often recommend him to their friends as a dentist who will understand their special needs. One of his assistants speaks Hebrew, which is why the Doctor is so popular with visitors and immigrants from Israel, as there is no communication problem.

But in the final analysis, it is Dr. Fundaminsky’s care, concern and sympathy with his clients’ needs that have made him such a remarkable success. His greatest pleasure in life is helping patients who are too ashamed of their teeth to smile, giving them radiant, beautiful smiles that can change their entire futures - romantically, socially and professionally.

As the noted author, Richard Lyon observes, “What makes Dr. Fundaminsky so extraordinary is that he genuinely cares about each of his patients, and he is determined to give them the finest dental care possible. I have never felt so confident about my smile, and that is a great help in a world that judges us so much by our smile.”

Why Choose Dr. Fundaminsky?

Dr. Fundaminsky is skilled and accredited in all of the latest technological developments in dentistry, but he does not treat his patients as guinea pigs. When new developments are made in dentistry, he does not use them with his patients until they have proven to be truly beneficial, safe, and economically worthwhile. This is your insurance that Dr. Fundaminsky will not perform unnecessary work, or procedures that two years later have to be corrected, as happens with less professional and experienced dentists. This is why he has such a loyal and enthusiastic clientele.

One of the qualities of Dr. Fundaminsky which his patients treasure is his understanding that it is far better, physically and psychologically, to keep your original teeth. Too many dentists extract teeth that could easily be saved, and hurry patients on to partial bridges and dentures while they are still in the prime of their lives. In fact, Dr. Fundaminsky is famous in Beverly Hills for saving teeth that other dentists insisted had to be extracted.